Enhances intuition and inner sight by opening up your mind to Clarity to receive messages from your Spirit Guides. Trains your mind to see the Positive side of every situation, Encouraging you to accept Blessings, Goodwill, Happiness and Love.
*You will realize that you will receive what you need not want you want.
When wearing a Black/Peach moonstone Pendant keep it close to your Heart...
Only wear a real Crystal Bracelet for Pure and Amplified energy...
Keep a RAW Crystal on your body to feel its powerful energy take effect.

With all of the worlds distractions Fluorite helps your mind focus
Whether you connect with Green... Purple... Blue... or Rainbow they all provide the same energy.
Fluorite clears away the fog in our mind allowing you to focus clearly
CC recommends that your children wear or carry with them a fluorite especially on the day of an exam.
Great Crystal to keep on desk at work.

Crystal for:
Focus… Renewal…Harmony & Balance
Clears away Negative Energy with its Marvelous Energy, Relieving Stress and Inspiring
Great Ideas and Quick Thinking. It Instills mental Clarity to make sure that your Thoughts, Words and Actions are aligned with your True and Higher purpose!
With all of the world's distractions fluorite helps focus the mind.

You can Purchase Our Amazing Raw Crystals...Pendants or Bracelets on www.crystalscc.com
Or Stop into CC Sees your Guiding Light and Feel the LOVE.